Stacy Budrean is the Manger of Accounting and the Quality Assurance/Compliance Manager at Prairie Education and Research Cooperative. Stacy earned her Master’s in Accounting from the University of Illinois Springfield and her BS from Eastern Illinois University. Stacy’s research experience includes duties as a Clinical Research Associate, Regulatory Facilitator, Laboratory Supervisor and Laboratory Technician. Stacy also has experience as the Multicenter Division Manager and a Database Coordinator. Stacy currently is in charge of all accounting and quality responsibilities at PERC.
Quality Assurance and Compliance Department
Prairie Education and Research (PERC) is committed to meeting customer requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction, and improving the quality of research and education through continual improvement of its processes, products, services and the quality management system. Our organization has been compliant with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 since 2009.
PERC is governed by a Quality Management System (QMS) and Quality Operating Procedures (QOP), as well as, individual department Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). All employees are required to review and train on these policies on an annual basis.
All vendors doing business with PERC are internally tier-reviewed on a bienniel basis and must qualify based on the vendor’s acceptable work performance/relationship with PERC. We are continually seeking feedback from our customers and patients via scheduled phone calls, letters, surveys and e-mail correspondence. We have a 24 hour hotline available to report any compliance or quality issues that might arise. We conduct internal audits of our work product, as well as, facilitate any external audits performed by Sponsors, Review Boards or governmental agencies.